Be the Best You Can Be!

My goal is to be the “best Jerry I can be.”  I feel…

What is a Satisfying Life?

I have been engaged in helping people discover this…

A Red Sports Car

In my experience most people do not like the word budget! the…

The Chicken, the Fox, and the Grain Puzzle

A farmer is standing on one bank of a river, with a fox, a…

Should Your Last Check Bounce ?

Is your plan in after this life to leave your finances so your last…

Focus II: Course Corrections

In the last few weeks I have been talking with a lot of people…

Daily Focus

Recently I have added a lot to my plate in terms of projects…

"Last Laugh; You or Your Money?"

This is the first in a series provided by John P. Eckblad, Ph.D.…

Why I love Life Business™

The Life Business™ program is based the book "If your life…

Software I love!

Evernote! I am always looking for ways to make things easier…