Are You Living Life in Alignment with Your Core Values?

What do you value most in life? Is it family? Money? Independence?

These are examples of core values. Your core life values are values that you hold so deep that they form the foundation of the way you live and move and breath. They are the underlying driving force behind how you do your work, how you interact with others, and what strategies you use to get where you need to go in life. Your core values are practices you use (or wish you were using) every day in everything you do. Even though we don’t always do what we wish we would do (for example, eat right and exercise), the core values are there to guide us in the direction that we truly want to go. True satisfaction is when you are living your life according to your core values.

In my online class, entitled “CEO of Your Life” there is an exercise to determine your top core values and evaluate whether they have been present in your life over the past 12 months. In this sample lesson from the course below, you can assess whether your core values have been present or absent in your life over the past 12 months.  Once you see your results, you can then decide whether you want to make any significant changes in your life.

How to Determine Your Core Values

First you examine the values listed below and determine which values are most important to you by ascribing 20 points to the “extremely important” value, 10 points to “important” and 0 points to “least important.”  You enter this number in the IMP (“Important”) column.  You can also add any values at the bottom that are not already listed that are important to you.

Next, determine the level of Presence (PRS) of these values in your life last year. Ascribe 20 points to values which were “very present”, 10 to values that were “somewhat present”, and 0 points to those that were missing altogether.

When you have finished this exercise, reflect a few minutes on what you see.

Summarize Your Findings

The summary below can help identify values important to you which are not being fully met in your life today (Values missing) and values which are being more than met (Values too present).

Place an “x” beside those values where either their being “missing” or “too present” concerns you.

Questions to Ponder:

In the past 12 months, did you live your life in alignment with your core values? How so?

In what ways are you living in conflict with your core values? For example, “Family” vs “Career” is often a common struggle.  

What would you have to change in order to live more in alignment with your core values?

Take the Next Step

If you want a more satisfying life, allow me to help you.  You owe it to yourself to stop surviving and start thriving.

Register now for my online class, entitled “CEO of Your Life” 


The class is based on the book “If Your Life Were a Business, Would You Invest In It?by John Eckblad and David Kiel, McGraw-Hill. The program has helped more than 6,000 people in 6 countries. In this class your will discover how to invest your time, money and energy toward a satisfying life. Learn more about this eye-opening, and possibly life-changing course by clicking this link.

Jerry Bergner is a productivity and life satisfaction coach. His company is Integrated Life and Financial Planning.  Jerry has been coaching since 2008.  His sweet spot is working with business owners and salespeople to assist them in focusing on the activities they enjoy and love to engage in while increasing their results and overall satisfaction at the same time.   Contact Jerry to book a consultative strategy session to learn how he can help you work toward your goals.

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